Well. No excuses. I just haven't felt the buzz to write. This will happen most often when I am busy with the demands of others and cannot clear my head enough to jot a word.
Now though, all guests have left, a few work situations have been solved, the village is quiet again, the heat of summer has diminished to a sweet 24 degrees, the new store is up and running and the fishmonger is in need of a haircut!
He relies on me to cut his hair. On past occasions he has been the victim of a Norfolk barber....not a pretty sight. In early photos, when he had an abundance of satisfied follicles, the Norfolk style involved a pudding basin on the head as a template, followed by a severe parting to the side and what might be a polyurethane varnish to ensure lasting stability. This style inevitably had an accompanying mode of dress featuring a red cashmere V neck and a pair of green cords worn in the "Harry high pants" position.
I think it possibly made his mother very happy, and that was long ago. Now it is left to me to use scissor hands on what is left of his hair. I am in favour of a number one style, being that it is the only cut I am capable of, so every three months I sheer him and the result is perfection. I promise.
He has a rather fine head and looks younger than his advancing years. Gone are the high pants and the V necks and, without much encouragement, he nows wears his shirts outside his pants......or should I say trousers.....as one is english one should take pleasure in a well pronounced vowel!
Anyway the point is I am now back in France and am unable to cut the Fishmongers hair until I get back from NY. I am leaving tomorrow for Paris and the Maison Objet show where I hope to find lots of lovely goodies for the store at Christmas. I also hope to meet up with an old client from twenty years ago who has become somewhat of a TV celebrity. A Maverick Dealer, he labels himself!!! I have fond and evil memories of his Mr Bean like nature, especially around pay day, but we were good sparring partners so I look forward to seeing him again.
I am meeting up with daughter in Paris. She is doing the Deauville film fest. What fun to spend time with her, just the two of us together...been ages. Then we travel to NY and I get to see my three adorable grand children, and I may never leave.
Meanwhile the Cevennes delivers the last of summer and even as I write the four pink roses that I have on my desk are reminding me to enjoy every moment of these final warm days and clear evenings.
Sipping on my Pastis last night on the terrace I saw two shooting stars and a moon that sported a crimson ring. The hirondelle are still feeding their young under the eaves but their flight seems more urgent and I think they want to be gone. My figs are all ripe and my last guest has picked them and cooked them and they now sit in a bowl in the fridge...with a "Dunno wot to do with these!!!" exclamation every time I open the door.
Life is pretty perfect I'd say....everywhere there is beauty. Ah! but then I think of the Fishmongers slippers. but that is a whole chapter of it's own.
I miss read slippers for flippers!,xx