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Thursday, June 16, 2011

There are better things to do than.......

So, you see it has all mounted up on the desk...Things that need to be done...and now I have given myself the extra pressure of a blog, a Facebook page, and so far I have managed to avoid Twitter because of the stress of it all. I have a recording from childhood of my mothers voice in my head on repeat. Right now she is  at 78rpm, her voice getting shriller by the minute, and the more pressure I put myself under to complete something, the more she will shriek about my tardiness...

I remember a therapist telling me once that I had to kill my mother (well obviously not really, otherwise I would have been banged up for over twenty years now.) But symbolically. He gave me a pillow and suggested I punch it and scream at my mother. But I couldn't do it...I just couldn't. He said I would never get rid of the voice if I couldn't kill her there and then as a pillow. But I could hear the therapist's wife upstairs in the kitchen, offering her children lunch. Well I figured if I could hear her, then she could most certainly hear me. I put this to the therapist and he reassured me that  his wife could hear nothing.
I didn't believe him and so I was unable to deliver more than a feeble and feathery whisper into my billowy parent, before she was quick to remind that I was a failure at therapy too.

So I have repaired to the local bar and met up with two inspiring friends. Peter Poplaski http://blog.seniorennet.be/peterpoplaski and Marcus Reichert http://www.marcusreichert.com/ and under the influence of a citron presse and some very tall and inspiring tales, I have put off paperwork for another day.
This could be a reason  why I live in the Cevennes. There are plenty of fellow desk dodgers and a wealth of subjects of a more pressing nature to be discussed dissected  and dispatched. Anyway, I must buy some more staples before I can think of undertaking any form of paperwork. Shut up Mother!

The Fishmonger

The Fishmonger
The Fishmonger beside a tinkling stream.

The whippet walk

The whippet walk